Credit24 Review
Quick overview
- Amount: $500 - $10 000
- Term: 1 - 36 months
Credit24 table of repayments
Amount | Fee | Total payment | Term |
$1 000 | $480 | $1 480 | 12 months |
A representative example
Loan amount $1 000 borrowed and fully repaid after 12 months of using the loan. Total amount payable = $1 480. The fee would be $480.
Credit24 experience and discussion
Credit24 experiences
Tell us your experience with Credit24 at and we will publish it anonymously into our discussion.
Thank you to the kind staff at Credit24 who did their best to help me out with my kids sporting fees. I found them upfront, friendly and professional. No complaints here and I would recommend them to others with a smile. (Nicole)
Quick replies to an easy application. Approval given and money in my account within 24 hours. Love the ability to pay back over a short period of time a reasonable repayment given my medical bill was so unexpected. (Michelle)
Is Credit24 a scam?
No. The product is absolutely fine and no need to worry about anything hidden. The company IPF Digital Australia Pty Ltd. really provides these loans.